Tag Archives: galena

Great Alternatives to Glory and Felecity Retired Shells!

I thought it might be helpful to offer you Demi lovers some cute alternatives to the now-retired Glory and Felecity shells. I know there are lots of people that missed out on grabbing up these shells for the Demi, but Miche DOES have some similar styles, colors, and options to get close to the ones that are gone!

First off, if you like Felecity, have you considered the Deidre shell? If you add chain handles, you’ve got some of that chain “bling” that you get with Felecity! If it’s not enough bling, you can still add a charmer too! 

Tiger Purse Charm

Storm Purse Charm

Heaven Purse Charm

Now, if you fell in love with Glory, and she sold out for Demi before you got yours, have you considered the Janet shell? While Janet is a slightly deeper red, many of my customers have said they think she is more appropriate to use year-round. Add a patriotic scarf and/or the white linked handles to Janet, and you’ve got a FABULOUS statement piece for the 4th or any other American celebration! WORD OF CAUTION, though! Janet is already LIMITED in quantity and set to retire (won’t be restocked)! Snatch her up while you still can!

Janet Shell for Demi

White Linked Handles

Carmen Purse Charm

I hope this post was helpful, and as always, I urge you to “like” my facebook page and join my email list so that you can get the most up-to-date information and my monthly newsletter with announcements of new releases each month! All feedback in encouraged, welcomed, and appreciated! 🙂

Your “accessory” in crime,


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Filed under accessories, fashion, handbags, illinois, miche bag consultant, miche bag representative, miche bag shells, miche bags, purses